Sunday, May 9, 2010

A" Beer" Story

Happy Mother's Day to all my Blog readers who are mothers.

Here in Rochester, we use this special day when we honor our mothers, to also remember and support our most senior and often frail mothers and grand-mothers who reside in senior care homes. Mother's Day is designated "Homes Offering Day", where our local Presbyterian church congregations take up a special offering to help support Kirkhaven's mission.

You know, whenever I tell people what I do for a living, I often still get the response, "Jim,I'm sure you run a nice facility, but if I ever get to the point where I need a nursing home, just shoot me!"

Yes, it is pretty obvious that despite our best intentions to provide quality care for seniors, something is still wrong. As I have Blogged about before, with its typical hospital furniture, sterile rooms and endless routines day after day, there is nothing even remotely like home about the traditional nursing home.

But thankfully, things have begun to change and Kirkhaven is leading the way here in Rochester. As I have shared with you before, the keystone of this culture change is person-centered care, where seniors are empowered to direct the decisions that affect their daily life.

By providing them with the opportunities to live their lives in a similar manner to how they always did, pursuing the same type of activities, routines and rhythms of daily life, that is what culture change is all about.

On Mother's Day, I spoke at my own church, Summerville Presbyterian, and shared this true story which I think helps define culture change to a tee.

This past Friday, I volunteered as a celebrity bartender at Kirkhaven's weekly Friday afternoon resident Happy Hour. We were about 15 minutes into the Happy Hour and I had set everyone up with their first round of drinks and bar snacks, when a young man, probably around 35-40 years old, walked into the lounge wearing jeans, a Buffalo Bills jacket and a ball cap. He looked around the room for his mother and then saw her sitting at a table with some friends, a beer and a bag of chips in front of her. He strolled on over to her and pulled up a chair as the waitress came over and asked him if he would like a drink. He looked around with this look on his face that said, "Where am I? Am I in the right place?", and then gladly ordered up a beer. I popped a top and poured him a tall , cold beer and set it down next to him. "What's the matter buddy," I said to him. "Aren't you used to coming in to the nursing home for a frosty beer and some fun." He just looked at me and said, "I love this place! I'm just going to sit here, relax and share a beer and some conversation with my mom."

Now that's the response I'm looking for!

It's not just about Friday afternoon Happy Hours, but it's about nursing homes looking and feeling like home, where residents can pursue their life-long interests and routines. It' s about person-centered care.

Kirkhaven is on the Pathway to this remarkable evolution and you can help. The Mother's Day Homes Offering is an opportunity for anyone to make a donation towards supporting this journey. I invite my Blog readers to click on the Kirkhaven website link to the right of my Blog and then click on the Seniorsfirst Foundation button at the top of the web page. You can make an on-line donation (or mail in a donation) to the Directors' Discretionary Fund in honor or in memory of your own mother to help make a difference in the lives of our seniors.

On behalf of the current and future residents of Kirkhaven, I thank you for your support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This item brought tears to my eyes. I know I'm a mush but it's times like the one this young man had with his Mom that make life what it is suppose to be - a whole lot of good memories. If we could only realize this while making the memories we would appreciate the time we have with our loved ones before it's too late. Thanks Jim.