Sunday, July 20, 2008

Survival of the Fittest

It is starting to be a rough summer for my support staff. First Jean Boyle goes out on leave for surgery, followed by Cheryl Smith for some surgery of her own. This weekend, Scott Maar slips and falls while exploring a creek bed on his camping outing and breaks his left arm.

Cheryl's surgery went very well and she expects to return to work this week. Jean is doing well also on her new hip and is planning to return part-time on August 4th. Scott is having his arm/shoulder evaluate by an orthopod this week and expects to be back in the office this week but with limitations (does a one-armed accountant only make one-sided entries?). Of course Rebecca will be out later in the year with a more enjoyable leave when she gives birth to her baby.

I have been bothered by a nagging groin pull and leg soreness. My jogging and water skiing is slowly "killing" my aging body but I'm too vain and stubborn to slow down. I was already sore before I went out on Irondequoit Bay this Saturday with my son and son-in-law and had to show them that I could keep up with them on skis. I paid for it dearly on Sunday!

So Amanda, Cass and Jim III, please be careful and stay healthy.

Kirkhaven received its results from the annual Health Department Survey of a few weeks ago. With so many codes, regulations and procedures to adhere to in every resident interaction, it is a daunting challenge to have surveyors peering over your shoulder watching and reviewing your every actions-past and current. After 4 days of intense scrutiny, they issued 4 very minor resident care deficiencies of minimal scope and severity that do not constitute sub-standard care by their definition. While no deficiency is welcomed, we are elated with the survey results. Congratulations to Amanda and her entire support staff team!

On Tuesday, this week, a group of staff and board will be meeting with the Greystone Team to hear their findings and recommendations from the Valley Manor repositioning project. I am so anxious to learn what they have to say and only hope that it includes comprehensive and specific recommendations that are reasonable and attainable. We are all prepared to do whatever it takes and are looking for some professional expertise to simply guide us so we can use our own talents to turn Valley Manor around for the long-term.

This week is "Picnic Week" for our staff as we celebrate summer and our staff with our "We are Family" staff picnics at Valley Manor on Wednesday and Kirkhaven on Thursday. Human Resources always does a great job coordinating these events but I appreciate the support you all provide to assist Cass and her staff.

Jim III and Cilla have been very busy as they finished up our 2007 Annual Report which was mailed out recently. It looks great! They have also begun work on an engagement with an outside firm to produce a series of short CD videos for use with marketing, sales and development. One objective is to create a video to show at our October annual Gala. Lastly, they have been working feverishly to coordinate and prepare for the upcoming Musicfest and they are beginning to gear up for a Seniorsfirst website upgrade. Welcome to the team Jim!

FYI, our legal counsel and broker have been working on developing a purchase offer for the property discussed at the last board meeting. This is a complicated document and needs to be done carefully and professionally. We expect to have something to offer the seller this week and I will keep you posted.

Additionally, we have our Senior Leadership Team meeting this week and I will be meeting with Scott and Department of Health Medicaid auditors to review their Medicaid rate audit findings. Scott and I also have a board Investment Committee meeting and Amanda and I have a Pharmacy Committee and Infection Control meeting. On Thursday, Cheryl and Jim III have a Valley Manor resident/management meeting. Should be a busy but productive week.

If you see Cheryl Smith this week, be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday on Friday. In leaving here is a nice picture taken this past weekend when my son and his family were visiting us from Raleigh, North Carolina.

Here are my 2 "kids" with their spouses and my grandsons

1 comment:

Jen said...

It was a great Saturday with Kids and grandkids. It is nice to have a balance of work and family and we enjoyed having everyone in one place at one time. We are fortunate to have three beautiful grandsons, who bring a special joy to our lives.