Saturday, October 17, 2009

Judging the Judge

Most voters don't know a lot about the candidates that run for Judge and thus either don't bother to cast a vote or cast a vote simply on party lines or name recognition alone. Since my wife Jennifer works as the Law Clerk for a sitting judge up for election this November, I have become more attuned to the judge race and thought my Blog readers might be interested in an "inside" perspective that represents my opinion only.

Depending on what Town you live in, there are probably many candidates vying for a local town or City judge seat. The advertising and array of lawn signs can be very confusing at best. But if you live in Monroe County, everyone will see on the ballot an opportunity to elect to keep Judge Brain McCarthy on the Monroe County Court bench. Here are a few basic reasons why Judge McCarthy should receive your vote and then I'll share with you the inside reasons:

  • 3 decades of experience as a Prosecutor in the Monroe County DA's Office and the U.S. Attorney's Office.

  • B.A. from St. John's Fisher College and Law Degree from Syracuse University.

  • Respected and supported by his peer judges on the bench and most every law enforcement agency within Monroe County.

  • A stellar track-record in the court room based on fairness, integrity, justice and results.

A judge doesn't impact your taxes, develop budgets for spending of public funds or create legislation that affects your life, so why should you care about voting for a judge? Simply stated, a judge ensures that justice is attained in the court of law. A judge helps to keep our communities safe and law abiding. A judge ensures a fair and just trial for the accused and the victims of crime. In choosing a judge, one should focus on experience, integrity and knowledge of the law.

I have had the privilege of getting to know Judge McCarthy and I can share with you that what impresses me the most is his integrity. Experience and knowledge can be attained by almost anyone and Judge McCarthy's career exceeds expectation and need, but integrity is what separates him from others. He is a kind and gentle person who truly cares about people and justice. He is not political, arrogant or self-serving. He is tough on crime, but fair and honest in seeking justice. His personality traits are exactly what we want in a judge serving this County.

His opponent (John DeMarco), claims in his advertising to be: experienced, respected and trusted. Here is my perspective. His experience is limited to town court only. Only one law enforcement agency has publicly endorsed DeMarco-the Jail Deputies Union. Every other law enforcement agency which has endorsed a candidate for Monroe County Court Judge, including Rochester Police Locust Club and Monroe County Police Benevolence Association, endorse McCarthy. Insiders know who to respect and trust. A recent D & C news article (October 17th) reported on several former town court rulings by DeMarco that were controversial and soft on DWI and arguably legally off-base. The Rochester Against Intoxicated Driving organization has claimed DeMarco is "soft on accountability".

So, on election day, despite what frustration, anger or objective you might have as you go to the polls to cast your vote for our elected officials, please consider that the role of a Monroe County Judge is entirely different from most public officials and we need to keep good judges serving our community. From an inside perspective, the candidate who is truly experienced, respected and trusted is Monroe County Court Judge Brian McCarthy.

Keep Judge McCarthy for Monroe County Court

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