Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome New Blog Readers

I have officially invited all leadership staff at both Kirkhaven and Valley Manor to become regular viewers of my CEO blog. What started out as a simple communication tool between me and my senior leadership team, has now become an innovative medium for me to share a unique insight into our organization from the perspective of the CEO.

In addition to senior leadership, leadership and board members, I will soon open my blog up to all Seniorsfirst staff. My objective is to create a heightened level of transparency and understanding of the corporate and executive workings within Seniorsfirst in both an informative and enjoyable manner. Readers will get an "inside" look at our organization from a vantage point and perspective different from their own. My blog will include business news, event happenings, CEO work life and occasional glimpses into my life outside of work.

So welcome to my CEO blog! Go ahead and check out the earlier posts and get caught up with what you may have missed. Browse the blog features and be sure to "bookmark" this page so you can easily come back again to read my future blog postings. I generally update my blog weekly (over the weekend), so plan to visit me accordingly. If you care to leave a comment on my blog you can do so by clicking on "comments" at the end of each posting and simply following the prompts.

On the Kirkhaven replacement project we received approval from the seller and their attorney with respect to our purchase offer of the property we are interested in buying. This week we will share the document with the Executive Committee of the Board and then proceed to have it signed by both buyer and seller.

Amanda and I had good planning meetings last week, first with a group of renown culture change pioneers and then with our architect team to discuss further design ideas. This week a group of us are traveling to Buffalo to tour the Beechwood campus which has implemented the Household model and several culture change initiatives. We had planned to visit last month, but had to reschedule due to a conflict with the Department of Health annual survey.

The Seniorsfirst board meeting held last week was a very dynamic presentation by and dialogue with Greystone Communities who led us in good discussion concerning repositioning strategies to improve occupancy. We are left with a lot of information to consider and build upon as management will now have the challenge of creating specific action plans related to the Greystone findings and recommendations.

Nadine (Director of Nursing) and I met with Dr. Rich of the Viahealth Physician's Group to explore the potential of them providing our physician services at Kirkhaven upon Dr. Jurik's retirement later this year. We were very impressed with what we heard and plan to pursue further. We will also be speaking with the Strong Physician's Group in the near future.

Also this week will include a "not so much fun" conference with Medicaid auditors concerning their findings and adjustments pertaining to Kirkhaven's routine audit of our 2003-2006 Medicaid rates. This is a very political, frustrating and exhausting process that I really don't enjoy. Several hundred thousand dollars are on the line and these auditors are notorious for "inventing" innovative ways to create Medicaid dollar repayments. Scott and I worked over the weekend to review work papers, compile documentation and plan strategies to support our arguments. We will be joined by our attorney as we "go into the ring" for round one of this process. I'd much rather spend our valuable time on other more interesting projects, but the dollar impact of this demands our highest attention and priority.

I'll keep you posted on these items and anything new that comes along, but that's all for this week. Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy my blog and will become a regular visitor. See you next time.....................Jim.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am a regular visitor and find out more about your work by reading your blog. And no, I will not start a blog about my work. Excited about your new project and hope you generate comments, good or bad, on what is going on, and the great direction you all are going! Yes, this is your only public comment. Your loving wife, Jen