Monday, August 27, 2012

Lip Syncing at Kirkhaven

Staff and residents like to have fun, so on a nice sunny summer day we gathered in the courtyard and entertained by showing off our "talent" in a lip-syncing concert.

I don't think anyone is headed off to compete in "America's Got Talent", but we all had a great time and plenty of laughs.

Here's a sample of the fun we had together:

                The crowd gathers and axiously awaits the performance
                Resident Creighton (and his fly girls) gets the show started
                  A crowd pleasing rendition of "Take me out to the Ballgame"
               A theatrical performance of "How much is that doggie in the window"
               A trilogy of "Silly Songs" by grandma and granddaughter
        Food Service staff (and guest star) singing Adelle's "We Could Have Had it All"
     The CEO air-fiddling and lip-syncing to "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"
     The CFO bringing down the house with "If I Were a Rich Man"
      A good time was had by all as we close with "We are Family!"

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