Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer Time Fun at Valley Manor

This past week the staff at Valley Manor held their summer picnic out on the courtyard at Valley Manor. A staff committee planned the event and with help from the HR and Food Service staff, summer time tropical fun was in full bloom.

It started with cold, refreshing tropical drinks and a food buffet that included chicken, pork, white hots, veggie burgers, potatoes, rice, salad and more. Perhaps the biggest hit was the home-made tropical beef dish provided by Brent in the maintenance department. Who knew that Brett could fix up dinner as well as he can fix up equipment?

After lunch, the competition began and it got very competitive as staff played for extra raffle tickets to increase their chance of winning any of the many prize packages on display. I don't like to brag, but the CEO plays a mean game of "ladder ball" and "can jam"!

It was a hot and sunny day, which made the ice-cream desserts a welcomed treat and nobody seemed to mind the occasional watering from some errant squirt guns. Staff never seem shy about shooting the CEO.......... although it is all in good fun.

Good food, fellowship and fun was the order of the day at the Valley Manor staff picnic. I really enjoy watching the staff have at fun at work and I cherish the opportunity to jump in with them. For a few hours we forgot about our work roles and just enjoyed each others company as we got silly and had some good old-fashioned summer fun.

When the party was over, it's back to work. But our batteries are recharged, our bodies refreshed and our hearts lifted as we resume our work roles and come together again as a team, serving our residents and clients.

Thanks for all you do every day. Individually, you are all unique and wonderful individuals. Together, you are an amazing staff!

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