Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is the CEO really working?

I remember when I was just a young kid; there were three specific concepts that I had a hard time grasping. Of course my older and “wiser” siblings loved to mess with my mind and to this day still give me a hard time about these.

The first was my sister telling me that long before God created the world, there was nothing. No night and no day. No darkness and no light. Now to my way of thinking, that was impossible. If something isn’t dark it must be light and vice versa. “But no”, she would exclaim, “ there was no day or night, no light or darkness at that time”. That concept still drives me crazy to this day!

The second is a little embarrassing seeing that I eventually grew up to be a business and numbers guy. But as a kid I had a tough time grasping the concept of statistical odds. You see to my way of thinking back then, everything had a 50/50 chance of occurring. Either it would or it wouldn’t. I’m still teased to this day about the time I tried to convince my family, as we were driving up to our camp for the weekend, that there was a 50/50 chance that we would have a head-on collision with another car around the next corner. Either we would or we wouldn’t!

The third was the whole tree falling in the forest thing. If nobody was there to hear it fall, did it make a sound? “What are you talking about?” I would plead. “What difference does that make? Of course it makes a HUGE crashing sound. Haven’t you ever heard a tree fall?” But my sister would insist and try to explain that if the sound waves never hit an eardrum, no noise would be heard. Okay, I get it now, but you have to admit that is a tough concept for a kid!

Which brings me to the purpose of this particular Blog posting and a related question to pose. If the CEO is working alone in his office or out in the community, but staff isn’t there to notice, is he really working?

I only bring this up because this past week I had the luxury and joy of spending more time than usual out on the resident floors and at various staff and resident events. Heck, I even took a lunch break one day last week and showed up in the staff dining room. I received a fair amount of “Hello, where have you been?” or “Hi stranger, haven’t seen you in a long time,” or “Have you been on vacation?” or “Good to see you, you need to get out more.”

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the sentiment and folks appear genuinely pleased to see me. My concern is simply, what do they thing I’m doing when I’m not so visible to them? When I was the administrator and even assistant administrator, I took great pride in my visibility and day-to-day involvement in the operation. I knew the staff, residents and families, many by name. That was a key component of my role back then.

Some might argue it still should be as CEO, but the reality is it just can’t; at least not at anywhere near the same level. One reason is that I have to be respectful of those in the position now to fill the hands-on role. Another reason is that I have new responsibilities that require my attention to different priorities. My day is often filled with meetings, both in and out of the building. I spend the vast majority of my day on “big picture” items that involve strategic planning, community outreach, analysis and communications. I spend a great deal of my time doing office work, on the telephone, on the computer, meeting with contacts. I admit I missed the operational side of our business when I first transitioned to CEO, but eventually came to love the role and the work I do.

So, back to my original question posed. Is the CEO really working?

Well, I would hope the answer is as obvious as night and day, but then again maybe that concept isn’t all that clear. Perhaps I should suggest there is a 50/50 chance that I’m really working. Either I am or I’m not. Or is it like the tree falling in the forest and if you aren’t there to see me, then I’m not really working?

I think I’ll just keep it simple and continue to do what I am asked to do as the CEO. I’ll be the guy behind the scenes, out in front, helping to scout and navigate our way forward. I’ll keep on communicating to everyone all the wonderful and challenging things our organization does and faces every day. I’ll work tirelessly to ensure that Seniorsfirst continues to have a bright and successful future and that our residents, staff and families find comfort and joy within our communities.
But I’ll also try to get out more because as much as I love my job at Seniorsfirst, I do understand that it is our people that make the difference! Thanks for all you do and for being the “face” of our organization.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My First Novel Published

Many of my Blog readers have often shared kind words with me on how much they enjoy my Blog and my style of writing. Heck, a few of you have gone so far as to suggest that I should write a book!

Well my long time Blog faithful might recall that in my December 29, 2008 Blog posting I revealed that I had set a 2009 goal for myself to do just that. And so, for the past year and a half I have spent much of my "free time" writing in my journal, transcribing from my journal to my computer, editing, reviewing, editing, reviewing, editing................well you get my drift.

Finally, earlier this year I set out to publish my final, final work of fiction. I had no idea of the details and work this process would involve. It had to be just right and it had to be my way, so I spent hours every evening and weekend navigating my way through virgin territory. I learned a lot and would probably do it differently if I knew then what I know now, but I am thrilled with the final result. It has been a labor of love with no real expectation or objective other than to write a book to share with my 4 grandsons and any other interested family and friends.

So, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to my first novel:

Coming soon to a bookstore near you, a breakout novel for "Young Adults" and "Tweens" by local author James E. DeVoe.

Daydreamer is an entertaining and enlightening adventure story with comic book like superhero excitement and unexpected twists as it moves from reality to fantasy.

DYLAN LAWSON IS a typical 13 year old boy growing up in a small, rural community in the northern Adirondacks of New York; a community that provides a lifestyle rich in outdoor adventure and homespun values. Together, with his best friends Brennan and Kennedi, Dylan finds adventure and excitement in what always turns out to be anything but a typical day.

But Dylan lives in a different world than everyone else. Dylan is the world's biggest daydreamer and he lives his life in both the real world and his dream world. Worlds that often collide, causing struggles and challenges that also provide valuable lessons learned.

It begins with a harrowing experience when the boys find themselves lost on Titus Mountain in the midst of the season's worst snowstorm and ends with the kids taking on the challenge of solving the great murder mystery when they stumble upon a dead body while out kayaking. In between, they become entrepreneurs of a successful start-up business as a result of a school project, compete for the state championship on the school's hockey team, attempt to win a national contest to bring a superstar singer to perform at the school's spring dance, confront a terrorist attack at school and become entangled in many more adventures.

Dylan's daydreaming often causes him to be absent-minded, disengaged and irresponsible, but with the help of his adult mentors, he ultimately uses his vivid imagination to become a real-life hero.

The action-packed suspense within each story and adventure will keep you riveted and guessing, but is it real or just another Dylan Lawson daydream?

You can take advantage of my "Friends & Family" advance sale discount offer to order your copy today at $14.99 (25% discount). The advance sale offer will be open to all until June 30th and then I will place the bulk order with my publisher to access the discounted pricing. You will receive your copy by July 15th. After that date, my book will be available at the publisher's standard rate and at Bookstore retail rates.

SO ORDER NOW IF INTERESTED by using the link below that will take you to my secure Daydreamer PayPal ordering site.

Friends & Family Advance Sale Offer:

My curious adult friends and family can now purchase an advanced copy of my novel, check it out themselves and then gift it to their children, grand-children, nephew, niece or other child. You'll satisfy your curiosity and enjoy reading my breakout novel, and have one less birthday or Christmas gift to buy this year!


Thanks for your interest……………………….Jim DeVoe.