Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

While it may seem like we have had a poor performance year within our Seniorsfirst Communities and there has been a lot of talk about a weak economy or declining resources, 2009 hasn’t been all doom and gloom. Sure, there are plenty of needs and wants still on my “Christmas list” for Seniorsfirst:

1) A rebased Medicaid rate for Kirkhaven retroactive to April 1, 2009

2) A couple of more Entrance Fee move-ins for Valley Manor

3) An 8 million dollar grant to help fund our Kirkhaven Replacement Project plan

4) 92% occupancy at Valley Manor

5) Additional revenue to enable us to give staff pay increases

But, there have also been some very nice gifts received this year that we don’t want to lose sight of and are very grateful for:

1) Occupancy at Valley Manor has improved from 83% to 89.5%
2) Occupancy at Kirkhaven has remained high at 95%
3) Staff turnover has been consistently low
4) Customer satisfaction has been consistently high
5) Employee satisfaction has remained consistently high

With a New Year only days away, our hope is for a brighter future despite the challenges that the economy presents. We know that the State’s budget woes create a concern for our Medicaid reimbursement at Kirkhaven and that a tough economy means we have to work even harder for new move-ins at Valley Manor. But we also know that our service and staff are among the best and thus customers will always beat a path to our doors looking for only the best.

The tough economy will continue to challenge us, but together we will take the necessary steps to ensure an operation where revenues are in balance with our expenses and our hallmark quality is always maintained. We will continue to wish for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but will be grateful for whatever gifts are bestowed upon our organization. In the end it is the relationships we have and how we work together that counts the most. Every great organization faces adversity, setbacks and change- it’s how an organization reacts and uses the gifts it has, that is the key.

Over the years, I’ve seen this played out over and over again. I have every confidence that our great Seniorsfirst organization will navigate through these rough times and even flourish in the days ahead. So let’s keep our heads held high, our nose to the grindstone and give thanks to God for the gifts in our lives.

Happy Holidays to all! Here are a few pictures with me playing Santa with Kirkhaven residents:

Jim DeVoe, President/CEO

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