Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Seniorsfirst Recognition Luncheon

On Wednesday June 24, Seniorsfirst recognized and honored 68 employees and volunteers at our annual Employee/Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. This year we held the event at the prestigious Oak Hill Country Club (home of past PGA US Opens, PGA Championships and Ryder Cup).

The venue was superb as we dined on a delicious buffet cuisine prepared by the professional chefs and culinary staff in the grand club house atrium. We enjoyed the company and fellowship of one and other as we dined and left behind (for at least a while) whatever work and challenges waited for us back at Kirkhaven and Valley Manor.

After lunch, we enjoyed the viewing of a video production featuring all of our honorees prior to individually recognizing each with a special gift of gratitude to mark their service milestone. Collectively, we honored over 830 years of service broken down as follows:

  • 19 five-year honorees
  • 10 ten-year honorees
  • 5 fifteen-year honorees
  • 7 twenty-year honorees
  • 14 twenty-five honorees
  • 1 thirty-five honoree
Additionally, we honored our 6 "Compassionate Heart" award recipients over the past year, 3 individual volunteers who have been with us over 15 years and 3 volunteer board members who collectively have given over 100 hours of their time, talent and resources in the past year.

As I reflect on what this day means to Seniorsfirst, I am first in awe of the dedication and loyalty of our staff. In an age where time seems to be measured more in minutes than years, I find it remarkable that we have so many employees and volunteers who choose to serve with us for most of their individual career.

Second, I am reminded that there is no single leader or group at Seniorsfirst that is responsible for our success. We are one team and everyone is a full team member. Each of us has a specific role and brings a unique talent to the table. It is this wonderful diversity of members that creates balance to our team and enables us to provide such exceptional performance. Individually, each of you is special and each of you represent an important part of our organization. Collectively, you are simply the best and represent an awesome Seniorsfirst team.

Third, as I reflect on my own milestone of 25 years of service, I recognize that whenever I get stressed or worried about the challenges we face, I only need to look as far as the people around me. You all are the reason that Seniorsfirst exists today and you all are the reason we will continue to flourish in the future.

On behalf of Seniorsfirst, congratulations to our 2009 service milestone honorees and thank you to all our Seniorsfirst employees and volunteers. At Seniorsfirst, our people make the difference!

Here are some photos of today's event (some are little dark due to poor lighting)...........................

1 comment:

Jann said...

It was indeed a lovely celebration! I am pleased that staff members I have chatted with were as pleased as we to be there and to be celebrating all those years of service. Some staff who went to Casa Larga last year remembered the event with pleasure also. Here's to another good year ahead!