Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Tour of Valley Manor Custom Apartment Homes

Not all my Blog readers are that familiar with all aspects of the Seniorsfirst Communities & Services, so I thought I would dedicate a few blogs to exploring more about who we are and what we offer at Seniorsfirst. So this week I decided to take my camera and me on a self-guided tour of Valley Manor Apartments. If you're interested, come on along but please don't lag behind as we have a lot of ground to cover and much to learn and see............................

Our tour starts here just outside the beautiful Valley Manor grounds on historical and eloquent East Avenue.

East Avenue is the home of many historic mansions and places of significance. The home of Kodak founder, George Eastman, as well as the Susan B. Anthony House are neighbors of Valley Manor. Within a leisurely, short stroll along the avenue one can shop at Wegmans, dine at several eateries, workout at a health club, browse the many shops, do their banking or attend one of several magnificent churches.

Our prime location is also in the heart of the Rochester culture district which makes attending a play at Geva, a concert at the Auditorium, a performance of the RPO, a visit to the Science Center, Art Museum or wherever your interests take you, a snap for our residents. Most other senior retirement homes go to great lengths to try and create activities and conveniences for their residents, but at Valley Manor they are already here in our neighborhood.

Our next stop is just inside the quaint and tastefully decor of the main lobby where staff are ready to serve and help you 24/7.

Scheduling transportation, sign-ups for events, directing visitors, monitoring facility activity and assisting residents with their needs, this is the hub of Valley Manor and our staff have customer service down to an art-form.

Let me show you a few of our custom apartment homes. Keep in mind, pictures can never duplicate the amazement of seeing with your own eyes. I am always in awe when I have the opportunity to visit residents in their unique apartment homes. Valley Manor is the only retirement community in the area that actually allows residents to customize their apartment, and boy do they ever. I'm talking moving walls, built-in bookcases, personalized amenities and more. Every apartment takes on the owners personality and is customized to their preferences and them it becomes home!

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman posing in their newly customized apartment home which they plan to move into soon.

Just one unique customization aspect of Mrs. LaBudde's new apartment home which
she began to move into last week.

A model apartment living room

The living room area and East Avenue view of Mrs. Packard's custom apartment home.

Of course, no tour would be complete without a visit to the dining room. Valley Manor residents have several meal plan choices to meet their needs and lifestyle. Whichever they choose, they always know that they will enjoy fine dining in a casual yet eloquent setting. Ivia and her dining staff are always fixing up specials and events that make each dining experience unique and Chef John is never shy about cooking up something new or an old-time favorite recipe to satisfy your appetite.

I know you'd like to stay and enjoy a nice meal, but we need to move on and keep up with the tour. Did I mention the beef tenderloin and Atlantic salmon that is on the menu this evening?

One of the key attributes of Valley Manor is it's convenient in-house amenities. In addition to all that is available just outside our doors along the avenue and in the City, we offer many convenient amenities inside Valley Manor. Our high-rise building not only offers some of the greatest views, but everything our residents need is just a short elevator ride and a few steps away. This can be very important to folks as they age and mobility becomes more of a challenge.

So you will always find the dining room, fitness center, pool, deli, mail room, post office, bank, art gallery, bistro, chapel, music room, auditorium, library, game room, therapy center, education center, computer lab, hair salon, underground parking, storage lockers, green house and more, all within easy access within Valley Manor.

Education Center and Bistro

Therapy and Wellness Center

Deli and Gift Shop

Fitness Center

Pool and Spa

Okay, please keep up with the tour guide. I know the pool looks inviting and yes it is kept at 88 degrees, but we have one last stop along our tour. Right next door on the grounds of Valley Manor is our quaint little 10 apartment Assisted Living Cottage.

Modeled after the same exquisite style of the independent apartments, these apartments are for those who need a little assistance with their care needs and activities of daily living. Here residents receive 3 meals a day, housekeeping and laundry service, supervision and assistance as needed. With an RN and aides on staff, residents and families have peace of mind that independence, safety and care needs are being maintained.

Valley Manor Assisted Living "The Cottage"

The lobby as you enter

The quaint dining room

Playing cards in the Living Room

While we're here, lets stop in at the Social Adult Day Program located inside the Assisted Living building. Here we have around 20-24 seniors who come for the day to enjoy activities, fellowship, meals in a safe and supervised environment. This is an ideal option for those who are either living alone with risk of isolation or who live with a caregiver who works during the day. We also offer overnight respite for these folks in our Assisted Living cottage.
Dining and Activity Room

Living Room and Activity Area

Well that concludes our tour today. I hope you enjoyed your visit and that you learned a few things you didn't know at the start of our tour. Our primary and best source of referrals are word-of-mouth so I'm glad you were able to join me for today's tour.
I recently met with two of our most recent new move-ins and had a conversation with them about why they chose Valley Manor. In both cases they stated the following:
1) City location near all the places they want to be
2) Ability to customize their apartment to make it home
3) The convenience and reputation for excellence of all our in-house amenities and services
4) They have friends living at Valley Manor
Thanks again for visiting my Blog. For more information about Valley Manor check us out on the web (link located to the right of my Blog) or give us a call to schedule a visit. Be sure to visit my Blog again soon when I will be hosting a tour of our Kirkhaven Community!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Very nicely done. You are doing gret with your pictures and your blog. Love Me