Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Favorie Time of Year

With cooler nights and crisp sunny days, the calendar on the refrigerator is turned to a pretty autumn picture and you can smell it in the air. The anticipation is both chilling and exciting. The talking and the planning is over, its time to "take center stage". Everyone has an opinion, everyone has a favorite, but only one will make it to the very end. The journey is long, the stakes are high, but the reward is priceless. It's a lot of hard work, but I love the ride. It doesn't matter if you watch from the sidelines or bury yourself in the experience, nothing is better.

I love this time of year.................

By now you are probably wondering just what I'm all pumped up about. Those who know me best, have already figured it out. Others may have an idea, but will need to read on to be sure. Truth of the matter, there are several possibilities. So which do you think it could be?

Could it be the upcoming Seniorsfirst Gala............Things are beginning to come together at breakneck speed. Table sponsorships are coming in and we have several new participants joining us this year. The board "prize committee" is busy assembling an array of great packages to raffle off with your casino winnings. How would you like to win tickets to watch the Bills play Miami in Toronto, or take a helicopter ride over the City? Maybe you'd like a round of golf at Oak Hill or Locust Country Club. Perhaps a weekend get-a-way is more to your liking. One thing is for sure, the October 25th Gala will be a fun filled evening as we dine on fine cuisine, present the premier showing of our Seniorsfirst video, unveil our design vision for the future Kirkhaven and recognize our Community Visionary and Ancora Imparo award winners. All of this followed by casino games, fun and fellowship. You don't want to miss it!

Could it be the start of budget season...................As a former CFO, I still love the number crunching. Budget time is a time to re-organize, compile the facts and create a plan that will serve as the organization's fiscal road map for the year ahead. It is always a huge challenge to balance the numbers along with the objectives, but the "hunt" is as good as the "kill". Occupancy hurdles at Valley Manor, State budget issues at Kirkhaven, a weak economy and higher costs will give us plenty to grapple with, but you have to love this work. Staff is already taking it on and the months ahead should be filled with the aroma of "fiscal fever" in the air!

Could it be the start of Major League baseball playoffs and World Series........................Get real, baseball is lame, although I do enjoy those baseball pools that always show up when the World Series begins!

Could it be the start of the NFL....................................Well it's definitely better than baseball and the annual Seniorsfirst Football pool is under way. Did I mention I have won this pool twice over my long career. Football pools are a fun way for all our staff to have fun and enjoy a friendly competition among one and other. We poke fun at each other's picks and crow about our winnings. Where else can the kid in food service or the women in the nursing office ridicule the CEO because they're ahead of him in the pool standings. You gotta love that!

Could it be the recruiting of new board members to join our team........................We have as many as 5 board seats turning over this year and I have been working with the Governance Committee to identify and recruit new talent to join our dedicated team of board volunteers. I meet with each prospect and engage them in a comprehensive review of our organization and the role of the board. I enjoy the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and to help spread the good word about Seniorsfirst. It is very time consuming, but a critical role of the Governance Committee and CEO to ensure that our governing board is an effective mix of diverse talent and commitment to our mission and vision. I look forward to helping develop the Class of 20011!

Could it be our "Pathways to Culture Change" journey.................................As you know by now, this initiative is a journey not just a destination. We have been "on the road" for several years now and have come a long way. You don't change nursing home care overnight, but at Kirkhaven we have certainly changed it. The Pathways journey has brought many new philosophies and approaches to how things are done at Kirkhaven and the journey is now beginning to spread throughout the organization. It is an exciting journey and the benefits to our residents, families and staff are amazing. I am in awe of the passion and results that I witness every day from everyone involved. Keep up the great work, your rewards are the smiles and touches of every resident we serve!

Could it be the "Operation Occupancy" strategies underway at Valley Manor..................I just made that name up, but I like the passion it evokes. It parallels the passion and innovation I see in the creation of strategies to address both the challenges and opportunities related to increasing our occupancy at Valley Manor. From novel marketing/sales approaches to apartment modifications, the challenge is on and staff is taking it on. Our board and residents agree, we have a very unique and marketable product that we intend to continue to invest and believe in. I really look forward to initiating these strategies and watching our occupancy climb!

Could it be the political elections............................I do enjoy the debates and could Saturday Night Live be any funnier. I don't make a point of talking about or expressing my political views as I believe my conservative, republican slant on politics is no one's business but my own. Whoops, sorry that just slipped out. I will say, I have not totally made up my mind yet this year as there is a lot to consider on both sides of the ticket. Either way it should be an interesting race and new political era either way!

Okay, you have been very patient and it is time to reveal my "favorite" time of year. The truth is that all these things are near and dear to me. I am very fortunate to have so much to be encouraged and excited about. But when the work day is over and it's time to come home, what pumps me up this time of year is.................................


That's right, it's hockey time again. Growing up in Massena, New York along the Canadian border it was all about hockey. In the words of Sarah Palin, "I could see Canada from my house", so of course I grew up on hockey. Back then I was a Montreal Canadian fan, but now I'm a Buffalo Sabres fan. I love everything about hockey and look forward to this season and a return to the playoffs for the Sabres. I analyze the stats, I second guess strategy, I listen to the hype, I talk people's ears off about my opinions. In short, I'm a hockey fanatic and love this time of year!

Thanks for visiting my Blog this week. In closing here is a picture of me performing last week for the residents at Kirkhaven with fun, spooky songs. Don't I look scary!

Have a great week and visit my Blog again next week for more inside news on Seniorsfirst.


Jen said...

I guess I know you well because I guessed right at the beginning. However that may be because I took the picture, but I still would have known. Go Sabres!

Jann said...'re right about our political leanings not important to our work At S'F. But really, Jim...........the barracuda as VP? You're married to Jen, yes? ;o) Jann